150: Awards Show – 2020

Published: Jan. 30, 2021, midnight

Welcome to our push-me, pull-you show. The one where we have our final push back at 2020, as it disappears in the rear view mirror, and our pull forward to what is coming in 2021. We start off with something new and something you, our fantastic listeners can get involved with. A quiz, but no ordinary quiz. Here you pit your wits against the might of the At The Flicks team (my money is on you listeners). After that we have some sadness and fun with 2020 (yes we know there isn’t much fun to be found there, however thankfully we did manage to uncover some buried near Neil’s almost forgotten sense of humour). The sadness is our obituary section, where each of the five contributors to the show, Darren, Graham, Jeff, Neil and Phil talk about someone whose passing had an effect on them. After that we give out our annual movie awards. As with last year, Graham pushes to the head of the class to give out his award for the Best Mel Gibson film of the year. By doing this he still hopes to get a part in The Mel’s next movie. Then we look forward as we talk about the movies we want to watch (hopefully in a cinema) during 2021. Since we recorded the show, there have already been films which have been rescheduled. Life moves pretty fast. So while we are confident some of our choices being released, we wouldn’t bet our GameStop shares on everything opening. W couldn’t have a month end show without a Dash from Darren. Just a couple this time because of everything else we are fitting in. One of which is so memorable Graham and Neil have sworn never to watch it, despite glowing reviews from Darren and Phil. Next month we will return to our normal format. We have even found some films to review. Until then, settle down with our latest show, in which both tears and laughs flow freely. Enjoy and stay safe.