109: Horror Sequels - Do we need them?

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, midnight

Horror franchise – You’re joking, not another one! You’re joking, not another one, is a quote made famous by Brenda from Bristol about another election. Brenda could also be talking about horror film sequels. Sequels that come so often they turn into that word “franchise”. Are they any good, or are they just a Xerox copy of the original template. To make sense of it all, Lucy, Jeff, Graham and Neil discuss this horror film legacy. OK, so just Lucy and Jeff discuss it while Graham fiddles with the volume control and Neil hides behind that a mysterious crate in a corner of the room. Lucy and Jeff each bring a favourite to the party and asks “where did it all go wrong”. Lucy has Saw and Jeff has Halloween. It’s not all negative as we talk about some themes that can actually work when played out over a series. Finally we ask, what horror films could do with a franchise – their scope just far too limited with one movie. The answers to this might surprise you. If we have missed your favourite horror series off this list, please let us know. As always, it would be great to hear from you. Take care and stay safe – at least until the next Halloween show.