Why Do I Suck?

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 12:01 p.m.



I recently ran a subscriber-only AMA, and one of the most frequent questions was some version of \\u201cwhy do you suck?\\u201d

My commenters were very nice about it. They didn\\u2019t use those exact words. It was more like \\u201cI loved your articles from about 2013 - 2016 so much! Why don\\u2019t you write articles like that any more?\\u201d Or \\u201cDo you feel like you\\u2019ve shifted to less ambitious forms of writing with the new Substack? It feels like there was something in your old articles that isn\\u2019t there now.\\u201d There was a lot of similar discussion on this one year retrospective subreddit thread.

The evidence that I\\u2019ve gotten worse at blogging is mixed. I asked about it on a reader survey six months ago, and got this:

