EP52 - AskDeveloper Podcast - MOOCs

Published: July 8, 2017, midnight

b"- Quick history\\n \\u25cb Distance learning\\n \\u25cb Open educational resource movement\\n \\u25cb MOOC coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier\\n \\u25cb Khan Academy, P2PU, and Udemy\\n \\u25cb Udemy has tools for pros to create courses and publish (also attracting corporate trainers to create courses for enterprises)\\n \\u25cb Udacity growing out of Stanford CS courses by Sebastian Thrun\\n \\u25cb Coursera growing out of Stanford's Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller\\n \\u25cb MITx launched by MIT in response to commercialization of MOOC, then joined by Harvard and renamed edX\\n - Cost\\n \\u25cb Content is free\\n \\u25cb edX offers certificate for 100$ for most courses\\n \\u25cb Coursera have some quizzes and grading exercises only for paying students\\n \\u25cb Udacity has nano-degrees with projects reviewed only for paying students\\n - Interdisciplinary learning\\n \\u25cb Importance\\n \\u25cb Examples\\n - For credit leaning\\n \\u25cb Georgia Tech masters 2013 with Udacity\\n \\u25cb edX have MicroMasters which offers for credit courses and earn 25% credit of on campus masters\\n \\xa7 RIT cybersecurity\\n \\xa7 University of Pennsylvania Robotics\\n \\xa7 British Columbia Software Development\\n \\xa7 Boston University Digital Leadership\\n \\xa7 MIT Supply Chain Management\\n \\xa7 University System of Maryland Cloud Computing\\n \\xa7 Columbia Business Analytics, AI\\n \\xa7 San Diego Data Science\\n \\xa7 Michigan UX Research and Design\\n \\xa7 Others\\n \\u25cb Coursera masters with\\n \\xa7 Illinois MBA, Accounting and CS (Data Science)\\nHEC (innovation and entrepreneurship)\\n\\n\\u0628\\u0639\\u0636 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0648\\u0627\\u0628\\u0637 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u0630\\u0643\\u0631\\u062a \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0644\\u0642\\u0629\\n\\u0643\\u0648\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u062a \\u0643\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0627\\u0633\\u0628\\u0627\\u062a \\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u062c\\u0627\\u0645\\u0639\\u0629 \\u062d\\u0644\\u0648\\u0627\\u0646\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/user/FCIHOCW\\n\\n\\nOur facebook Page\\nhttp://facebook.com/askdeveloper\\n\\nOn Sound Cloud\\nhttp://soundcloud.com/askdeveloper\\n\\nPlease Like & Subscribe"