EP35 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Logic

Published: June 15, 2014, 12:19 a.m.

b'\\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0644\\u0642\\u0629 35 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0631\\u0627\\u062f\\u064a\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0633\\u0623\\u0644 \\u0645\\u0637\\u0648\\u0631, \\u0641\\u064a \\u0647\\u0630\\u0647 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0644\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0646\\u0633\\u062a\\u0639\\u0631\\u0636 \\u0645\\u0648\\u0636\\u0648\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0646\\u0637\\u0642 \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0628\\u0631\\u0645\\u062c\\u064a\\u0646.\\n- Abstraction\\n \\u25cb 1+1 = 2 almost always not true\\n \\u25cb If 1 orange + another orange, what about the size of each, the taste ... etc\\n \\u25cb For this to be true some abstraction is required\\n \\u25cb Abstraction is removing some details to simplify reality modeling and perception\\n \\u25cb Programming is in huge part an art of abstraction\\n \\u25cb "Leaky abstraction" Spolsky\'s post.\\xa0\\n - Perception\\n \\u25cb This table has four legs\\n \\u25cb This table is beautiful\\n \\u25cb The first statement the signifier and signified are adjacent while the second statement there is a space for interpretation\\n \\u25cb Some signifiers has wide meanings or narrow, and different people perceive it differently\\n \\u25cb Role of agile development in addressing perception issues\\n - Deduction'