Financial inclusion needs to be part of the governments strategy in the Kyrgyz Republic

Published: Nov. 21, 2018, midnight

b'More than 60% of adults in the Kyrgyz Republic do not have access to financial products and services, and many still prefer to keep their money under a mattress. While a quarter of the adult population have savings, only 3% have money saved in financial institutions. \\n\\nNor do people have much use for credit. Only 10.2% of adults have borrowed from a financial institution or used a credit card, a number that\\u2019s below global averages.\\n\\nLack of access to banks and credit keep the poor from escaping poverty because they don\\u2019t have the means to invest in a business, education, or even their own health. \\n\\nSavia Hasanova describes recent developments in financial inclusion and financial literacy in the Kyrgyz Republic.\\n\\nRead the transcript\\n\\n\\nRead the working paper\\n\\n\\nAbout the author\\nSavia Hasanova is an economic expert at the Investment Round Table in the Kyrgyz Republic.\\n\\nKnow more about ADBI\\u2019s work\\n\\n'