Wounds of a Womban

Published: Feb. 21, 2022, 5 p.m.

Ahh yes, The Wounds of the Womban. 
The one who transmutes pain into greater healing. 
The one who rises higher and higher each and every time.
This is my story, and I share to hold space through my humility, my lessons learned, in hopes to hold the space you need through this transmission.

In this episode I talk about:
-The space needed to be with the wounds.
-holding space for your self for discovering where the wounds actually began…
-Healing the Wounds of a Woman
-The surfacing of Sister Wounds
-The Importance of Support
-Giving your gifts to yourself first
-What happens when we leave our wounds open
-The importance of integration
-Being the Healer and not seeking a healer outside of yourself

All while sharing my story, yet it's can be others too. I share my failures recently in my space holding abilities, my faults, my mistakes, my story of healing through it all and what its like to be a wounded woman.

The wounds are there, but they heal, and the memories never leave for the scar will be there. But we CHOSE to let the lessons and faults be out greatest teacher of evolution to evolve into the HIGHEST version of ourselves.

You didn’t fail, you just needed to fall to remember what your capable of <3

I hope my story can hold you on in your own,
