The Voice of a Womban

Published: Nov. 11, 2021, 7 p.m.

The Voice of a Womban,
Who will be Silenced no more.
and who will not be told to be silent.
For I don't share this story for attention, 
I share this story for protection.
For all womban are my sisters,
And I speak for us all.
I Stand up and SPEAK for the voiceless,
and for those that are afraid to do so.

Whatever comes from this truth,
I know I am protected.

Man or Woman, I encourage you to drop down into your heart,
plant your feet or sit bones against the earth,
A witness this SHIFT in history.

For I am the Voice of a Womban,
With a Story to tell,
and medicine for all that listen.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

-Ash to Ashes