Art. U. Sci Special Issue 3: Rankin and Bass Stop-Motion

Published: Dec. 25, 2020, 3 p.m.

"There are more important things than comfort: SELF RESPECT!"

2020 is coming to an end, and with it ends our December Special Issue of the Arts Union Science podcast. As such, we felt that there was no better Fat Lady to coerce into singing than the Rankin 'n Bass stop-motion animated shorts. These awkward little gems have become a perennial pass time for every Christmas-observing human being in the modern world . . . well, except for one little misfit. Enter Daniel G. Schep, this week's first author and resident neophyte when it comes to ol' R&B (Rankin and Bass, not Rhythm and Blues). Join he of the no-prior-knowledge and your corresponding author Tyler D. R. Vance as they navigate the foamy stop-motion waters of creaky animation, unintentionally dark messaging, and the so-very-memorable musical number "My World is Beginning Today".

If you'd like to review our findings, feel free to send us an email at You can tell us if you accept your findings, accept them with revisions, or just flat out reject them. 

Happy holidays from all the authors at the Arts Union Science podcast!