The post-Covid city

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, noon

How has the pandemic changed our experience of urban space and what is the future for cities like London? Caleb Femi was young people's poetry laureate for London. Katie Beswick and Julia King research the way we use our streets. Irit Katz studies how the urban environment is shaped by crisis. Caleb Femi's Poor - a collection of poetry and photographs of the lives of young black men in Peckham - is published in November 2020. Katie Beswick is the author of Social Housing in Performance: The English Council Estate on and off Stage and teaches at the University of Exeter. Julia King is a Research Fellow at LSE Cities looking at "Streets for All" . Irit Katz lectures in Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Cambridge. This episode is part of the programming for BBC Radio 3's Residency at London's Southbank Centre which is broadcasting live concerts and tying into their talks and literature series of online events Inside Out. Producer: Torquil MacLeod