Self-portrait as human black swan: audio description

Published: Aug. 4, 2023, 3:10 a.m.

b"(Self-portrait as human black swan): What is assumed, what is expected, what is invisible, what is very clear: the air is more buzzy, things feel more expansive, there\\u2019s a lightness to the air molecules and a depth of feeling. A human with autism, or an autism with human, or a swan with hands? I\\u2019m definitely something\\u2026\\n\\nA drawing of a black swan. It is set in a brown rectangular frame approximately arms length by \\xbe arm height.\\n\\nIt is lying on its back with human arms in place of where its little feet would usually be. Proportionally the arms are the same size as the neck of the swan. \\n\\nAt the base of each arm are three human fingers. \\nThe right arm rests on the crooked elbow of its left arm. \\nThe fingers that wrap around this elbow appear webbed, mimicking the shape of a swan's foot. \\n\\nThe left hand hangs by the swan's feathery bottom. \\nIt is rigid in position, with each of the three fingers separated. \\nThe swan's feathers have black and white shaded patterning that start from the base of its neck. The feathery pattern transforms into soft rolls, reminiscent of folds of thin dough or reems of small thick material. \\n\\nThe human arms in place of the swan\\u2019s legs are outlines, with no shading inside of them. \\nThe swan's face is at an angle. \\nWe are privy only to one side where a red-coloured eye looks beadily out."