You Don't Need To Know Everything

Published: Jan. 20, 2022, 7 p.m.

January 20, 2022
There are layers in our hearts. Which always infects what we dream. What we can’t do is allow it to poison what we see. What they don’t tell you about living a mindful life is how difficult it is to stay in the present. Especially one that’s consumed with a pandemic, horrid politics and always bad weather. We get it! The heart must remain clear. Unlike ice we can’t throw salt onto it to break down the layers. Being mindful is awareness. Knowing how to stay truth filled without being taken over by the newer variants and senators that have vowed to protect a nation they are ripping apart. We can’t control our dreams. But we have full control of what we’re putting inside ourselves. My father always told me, “You don’t have to know everything.” Tell that to yourself over and over. Set down the smartphone you don’t have to know everything. Put away the news outlets you don’t have to know everything. There’s snow back in the forecast. We could get four inches. Can you control it? You don’t have to know everything. There are layers in our hearts. Which always infects what we dream. What we can’t do is allow it to poison what we see. You don’t have to know everything.