The Daily Mess Writing Your Story

Published: March 25, 2022, 3 a.m.

March 24, 2022
There are so many methods of education. From Ted Talks to Master Classes to physically being on the campus of a college or university. The decision to further your education is to inspire the human heart to believe in the spirit of location. As a martial artist the opening chapters were all about trying to learn it all as quickly as one could. Only to hear the Sabunim guide his students into believing in the mastering of one skill. The eye of the ego thought differently. He believed he could do two or three. Only to learn that after twenty years it’s never really been about the kick, punch or block but rather the spirit of location. Where are you? How has the calling played out on the path of choices? Share your story or someone will write it for you. For no one can be you. Your location is the important part of the journey. How you got to where you are. Mastering you. Build upon the soil while knowing what’s in the dirt.