The Daily Mess What You Don't See

Published: Aug. 2, 2022, 3 a.m.

August 1, 2022
What you don’t see. Openly we admit that these are some pretty strange times. The cost of living at a forty year high. I’m on the front line! Not only during an ongoing pandemic but we’re living in an age when government money and assistance isn’t enough. I see a lot on the front line! Stuff I can’t talk about! It would showcase a lack of empathy and compassion. When in fact it is our new age reality. The way people return items to the grocery store. Two weeks to a month old. They need money. The store will replace an item or give you cash. So many have turned it into a part time job. The meat or produce tampered with so the consumer gets double the money back. It’s the stores guarantee. Patrons enter the store, pick up an item in isle five, walk around the back of the store through produce and the bakery and show up at Customer Service, “I changed my mind. I don’t want this. Can I have my money back?” No receipt means we’ll exchange the product. A very strange time where innocent elderly women and guys with first born in arms are creating unbelievable ways to challenge the relationship between consumers and retail. Customer Service will never change. They’re more interested in who’s coming in and not what’s being taken out.