The Daily Mess The Weight Of Thought

Published: April 8, 2022, 3 a.m.

April 7, 2022
Scanning my skull for the subject to speak openly about. When you’re a daily writer, the gift is the long line of ideas that want to land on a page. None of us are ever without thought. Which can be a huge problem. Not everyone speaks of their late night early morning thoughts. It’s an obstacle that looks more like a failure than a victory. Those thoughts are there because they want to be brought to life. Sadly, the majority of those infected by the process of thought convince their hearts that it will be played out during regular awake hours. The thoughts are strong enough to wake you up but fail to find length in their speach. As a daily writer I’ve spent years disciplining my middle of the night thoughts. They aren’t welcome to take root. The expectation of the new day carries more weight. I do wonder about the personalities of both thinkers. Night versus daytime. Are they one in the same? Lord knows I never think about what appears in my dreams. Are our habits of thinking the same? As a morning writer and De-Fragger in the afternoon, those two thinkers are not in the same frame of mind. What I write at night is dark versus the inspirational steps of a new day. Thoughts have one desire. To become words on a page. It’s air. This is where I come to breathe.