The Daily Mess The Final Day

Published: June 28, 2022, 3 a.m.

June 27, 2022
Here I sit! My final day as a fifty plus your old man. The journey well documented in several different journals. Ten years ago I challenged myself to lose fifty pounds by fifty. I did it. Amazingly and through total focus and discipline I’ve only gained five of it back. The past ten years have moved quicker than any other decade. My forties were blessed with a walk through martial arts. Plus I had a heart attack at forty seven. Those lovely years that began with the number three were spent diving into the pages trying to understand how creativity was an addiction that was going to have to live with. Forget my twenties. I was a wild child. I’m still trying to figure out if I learned anything. No day passes that I’m not grateful. We cannot control the headlines or the world leaders making them. What I have at sixty is what you have at your age. The presence of now. There is amazing peace available. You’ll find it when you live a life of mindfulness.