The Daily Mess Remove The Age

Published: Aug. 25, 2022, 3 a.m.

August 24, 2022
I once wrote “An old man isn’t a wise man. Not until he teaches the experiences he met along the way.” I’m not sure I believe in that mantra like I did during those budding years as a daily writer. Now that I’m 60, I feel different about the term “Old.” My thoughts are based on how “Young” I feel. Not just in the moment of “Now” but daily! Even while the body aches, I find energy in having no age. Just being available. I’ve reached that point on the path when thirty year old’s look at me and ask, “Who are talking about? Never heard of them.” I get caught up in radio slang and conversation that has nothing to do with today’s growing broadcasters. I do laugh though when the producers connected to these famous people conversations ask if I’m taping it or is it going to be live. Ha! They said taping! I stopped using reel to reel tapes in 1994. Reminds me of Mike the program director who stopped into the radio station studio, “Dude. You said today’s weather is a carbon copy of yesterday. Nobody uses carbon paper anymore. You just dated yourself.” I find energy in having no age.