The Daily Mess Facing The Metaverse

Published: May 4, 2022, 3 a.m.

May 3, 2022
I’m new to the game but can’t help but wonder what sort of changes are we going to face? The Metaverse. A network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connections. Research shows it’s going to be the next level big thing. Crucial to communications, marketing and branding. Decision makers at the broadcast school I lecture at want to step into the Metaverse to create a hands on experience for future communicators. Anyone anywhere at any time can attend class. My biggest concern is based on where we as a generation will evolve when the Metaverse is a better lifestyle then reality. I totally get the escape! The Metaverse has the strength to physically become a second world. One that’s far away from Russia invading Ukraine. Why stand in reality if the Metaverse is providing peace and security? Then the power goes out. Digital needs power. Will we be able to handle reality when technology does what technology is known for…failure? This is an issue that must be faced during these early stages of the Metaverse. We are easily addicted to false worlds. When this one goes down where will your mind have reset?