Sarah Janssen Releases The 2021 World Almanac

Published: Jan. 4, 2021, 4 p.m.

2020 Election Results: The World Almanac provides a comprehensive look at the entire 2020 election process, from the roller coaster of the early primaries to presidential voting results, unprecedented mail-in voting and legal challenges, and coverage of House, Senate, and gubernatorial races.

2020 Coronavirus Pandemic: A special section provides up-to-the-minute information about the world’s largest public health crisis in at least a century, providing information on what scientists know about the virus so far—and what still needs to be learned—along with an update on vaccine progress, statistical data and graphics, and more.

Other New Highlights: Newly available statistics on how the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread shutdowns have affected air quality, employment, education, families’ living situations and access to food, and much more.

The World at a Glance: This annual feature of The World Almanac provides a quick look at the surprising stats and curious facts that define the changing world.

Statistical Spotlight: This annual feature highlights statistics relevant to the biggest stories of the year. These data provide context to give readers a fresh perspective on important issues.

Favorite returning sections such as Top 10 News Topics, Year in Sports, Year in Pictures as well as Editors’ Picks, The World at a Glance and Offbeat News Stories.