Play It Forward Episode 549 With Noah Stryker Birding Basics

Published: Jan. 26, 2023, 10 p.m.

This is Play It Forward. Real people. Real stories. The struggle to Play It Forward Episode 549 With Natl GEO’s Most Famous Bird Watcher Noah Stryker Bird watching or “birding” is one of the fastest growing hobbies in North America. With minimal equipment required, it is easy for anyone to get started. Discover the joy and fun this pastime has to offer. Whether you are a beginner bird watcher or looking to expand your horizons, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BIRDING BASICS: TIPS, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR GREAT BIRD WATCHING by Noah Stryker is a fun inspiring guide. Exploring the art, craft and science of bird-watching, Stryker shares practical know -how and expert knowledge. Browsable and bursting with helpful illustrations and photographs, BIRDING BASICS offers new ideas for when, where, and how to get to know the birds in your world. It is filled with easy- to -follow advice on what to look and listen for, how to use field guides
and birding apps, the best equipment to start with, and ways to engage with other birders. You will learn how to attract birds and ID them, recognize bird song and witness the magic of migration.