Play It Forward Episode 246 With Dr Adam Zwig Music And Therapy

Published: June 1, 2021, 9 p.m.

Hey it’s Arroe. This is Play It Forward. A look at the unexpected changes endured by entertainers, writers, camera people and all others affected but not infected by the global invasion of the Coronavirus.
Real people. Real stories. The struggle to Play It Forward.
Episode 246 with Dr. Adam Zwig
Billboard magazine call him a musician, music fan and doctor, music truly is therapy for Adam Zwig. With a Ph.D. in psychology, Zwig joins the ranks of Renaissance men like Brian May of Queen and Bad Religion’s Greg Graffin.”

Here is a link to the full feature on Dr. Zwig -

"For me, music and therapy are the same thing. They both bring out what's hiding in the shadows. They get you in touch with your joy, your sadness, or whatever it is you need to feel. There's something lurking just below the surface in all of us - something unsaid, unfelt, unknown, and music and therapy loosen the grip on these obscure emotions. I see therapy as music, and music as therapy."
That’s Play It Forward. You can listen to the full conversations with these artists on three different podcasts. Like Its Live, Unplugged and Totally Uncut and View from the Writing Instrument found on all digital platforms.