Play It Forward Episode 147 With James Whittaker

Published: Nov. 9, 2020, 10 p.m.

Hey it’s Arroe. This is Play It Forward. A look at the unexpected changes endured by entertainers, writers, camera people and all others affected but not infected by the global invasion of the Coronavirus.
Real people. Real stories. The struggle to Play It Forward.
Episode 147 with author James Whittaker
The new book:" ANDREW CARNEGIE’S MENTAL DYNAMITE" outlines the importance of 3 essential principles in order to succeed: 1) self-discipline, 2) learning from defeat, and 3) the Golden Rule.
These 3 particular principles are based on an age old conversation between billionaire Andrew Carnegie and Napolean Hill. Hill encompassed all he learned in the classic "Think and Grow Rich" - one of the bestselling books of all time and was even turned into a the multimillion-dollar film.
While that book was published in 1937, the messages and tips are still very relevant and valid today!!
That’s Play It Forward. You can listen to the full conversations with these artists on three different podcasts. Like Its Live, Unplugged and Totally Uncut and View from the Writing Instrument found on all digital platforms.