Coni Meyers Releases The Book When Unthinkable Happens

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 3 p.m.

In March of 2020, we entered a time of isolation, anxiety, stress, and fear as a result of COVID-19. However, it also became a time of renewal and hope with the opportunity to realign our lives. I wish to dedicate this book to the millions worldwide that have lost their lives to this pandemic, and to all who grieve for them.
As a former FEMA inspector and trainer for 7 years, I have witnessed many kinds of disasters including hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, fires, floods, tsunamis, and countless others. Although this is my first experience with a pandemic, the one thing that can be said is that the process of preparedness, survival, and recovery is pretty much the same no matter the type of disaster one goes through. There may be some minor differences, but when you are prepared for one you are prepared for most of them. The information you will learn in this publication can be applied to your personal life, business, and/or community.