Christopher G De Pree Releases The Book Astronomical Mindfulness

Published: April 21, 2022, 2 p.m.

Back when humans lived in communal caves and tribal encampments, we told stories about the stars. When we started sailing, we used these same pinpricks of light to estimate our own location. When we began planting, we relied on the constellations and the Sun to plant and sustain crops. Yet today, most modern humans have lost this deep connection to the cosmos that was once central to our daily lives.

To help us reestablish our vital connection to the heavens, Chris De Pree (Charles A. Dana Professor of Astronomy at Agnes Scott College and Director of Bradley Observatory in Georgia) and science journalist Sarah Scoles have written ASTRONOMICAL MINDFULNESS: Your Cosmic Guide to Reconnecting with the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets (HarperOne; January 4, 2022).

This illustrated guide to using the power of the sun, moon, stars, and planets is designed to help us deepen our knowledge of the solar system and foster a renewed sense of presence in the universe. Filled with engaging exercises, the book guides us through the fundamental ways in which our planet moves through the solar system and how these motions determine our perception of time and place.

Offering a concise yet in-depth look at the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, it teaches us to observe and understand the elements comprising the celestial sphere, helping us become more informed, engaged, and mindful every day.