Brandon Fugal From Beyond Skinwalker Ranch On History

Published: June 8, 2023, 5 p.m.

The HISTORY Channel’s popular nonfiction series The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch gives viewers unprecedented access to one of the most infamous and secretive hotspots of paranormal and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)-related activities on earth. The series follows an accredited team of scientists, researchers, and experts, including newest ranch owner Brandon Fugal, as they push their experiments beyond anything that has been done on the ranch before. From strange occurrences including unusual spikes in radiation and evidence of mysterious underground structures to inexplicable equipment failures and numerous UAP sightings caught on camera, this 512-acre property located in Utah’s Uinta Basin personifies why truth is often much stranger than fiction. Since the 1950s, Skinwalker Ranch and the area around it has been the site of decades of study and worldwide media attention. Often referred to as ‘UFO alley,’ this Utah locale has become known for the occurrence of numerous anomalous events and strange UAP-related activity. Over the past three years, the team, led by current ranch owner Brandon Fugal and astrophysicist, aerospace engineer and optical scientist Dr. Travis Taylor, have done numerous scientific experiments to engage the mysterious phenomena on the ranch. The main goal? Answer the question: what is really happening on Skinwalker Ranch?