Why we need a child-centered approach to adoption and parenting

Published: May 26, 2021, 8:30 p.m.



Conversations about polyamory, same-sex parenting, and other alternative family arrangements have received increased national attention in recent years. But so often, these discussions focus primarily on the interests and desires of adults and pay very little attention to the wellbeing of children. What factors should serve as the impetus for change in policy and culture around child welfare? How should we balance the desires of adults with the needs of children when making decisions about the type of family a child will be raised in?

In this episode, Naomi and Ian are joined by Katy Faust, author of \\u201cThem Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children\\u2019s Rights Movement,\\u201d and founder of an advocacy organization with the same title. Katy discusses why her organization is advancing a child-centered approach to parenting, adoption, and child welfare. She outlines her conclusions from quantitative research and the stories of children and adults looking back on their childhood about the type of family arrangement that is best suited to help kids flourish, and the implications that has for public policy. 

Show notes:

01:15 | The child-centered approach to child welfare and adoption Katy Faust is advocating

05:50 | What does it mean for children to have natural rights, independent of the desires and interests of adults?

10:20 | Why, in the world of children\\u2019s rights, adults must do hard things

12:40 | The importance of storytelling in the fight for children\\u2019s rights

14:05 | The data show that any family structure other than a child living with their two biological parents leads to worse outcomes for children

21:50 | Why \\u201cThem Before Us\\u201d seeks to change both hearts and laws
