APRI Presents Kiler Davenport with Ken Scott.

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 2 a.m.

b"we are all about reality, we do not pull any punches or blow smoke up your ass just to get and hold fans. we talk about all of the hard issues like sex trafficking of children and illegal organ transplants on children and adults , we cover the dying oceans chemtrails, the dangers of smart meters, the RIFD\\xa0chip, national ID cards that are on the way. mind control, the military industrial complex, the dark state, the shadow government and\\xa0much more. we are the source for the latest news and information that really counts.we bring you creativity, experience and passion for the stories we report on.\\n\\ntune in and enjoy.we also cover life and living, the CFR, the federal reserve, gmo's,hacking, sex, relationships and a host of issues for people who care about the future of this country including the corrupt courts and cps, we must come together as a nation and a people to make the changes we are looking for so that our children will not have to suffer and be deprived of freedom and liberty. our show is radical and way out there but we feel that we need to be open and ourselves in order to bring in a powerful show and to be ourselves. we are on air to empower, to educate , inform and uplift.\\n\\nour shows can be shocking and they can trigger many who are overly sensitive.come and join us , bring your questions . comments and advice."