Episode 239: Good One, Bad One Jr.

Published: April 9, 2020, 10 a.m.

In solidarity with the many parents in our audience currently navigating the... joys... of having their children with them all the time, Margaret and Andrew handed the reigns over to Kathryn this week for Good One, Bad One Jr. We got to watch one good show that her 2-and-6-year old love and one bad show they love. We also took this as a chance to reflect on the shows of our youth, the wild origin story ascribed to the titular ghostwriter of the PBS show Ghostwriter, the myriad ways that both Muppet Babies and Ghostbusters misrepresented the more adult brands from which they were derived, why Rockapella appeared to be the only acapella group on Napster, and the two genders of childhood in the early 1990s: enormous calf-grazing baggy shorts and tiny bike shorts.