Episode 190: Killing Bear Grylls and Gaming Thrones By The Watercooler.mp3

Published: April 25, 2019, 10 a.m.

This week, Kathryn finally settles her longrunning feud with wildlife expert-slash-goofball idiot Bear Grylls. Then, we gather around the watercooler to discuss the latest character to die on the final season of Game Of Thrones: the concept of watercooler television!! Of course, what is dead may never die.


You vs. Wild: https://www.netflix.com/title/80227574

Is Game of Thrones the last watercooler show? https://www.vulture.com/2019/04/game-of-thrones-the-last-show-we-watch-together.html

Is watercooler TV just dead, then??? https://www.theocelot.co.uk/is-there-still-room-for-watercooler-tv-in-the-netflix-era/