The Dark Crystal

Published: July 30, 2019, 1 p.m.

When does a project go from "we've got a great story to tell" to "screw it, let's just see if we can make a movie with nothing but puppets!"? We try to answer that question, along with whether or not Jim Henson was really just an egomaniacal maniac as we delve deep into our first puppet feature; The Dark Crystal.

Listen as we discuss whether or not this movie would have been better with or without dialogue; we salute the film's willingness to terrify young children with the Garthims; and finally, we debate if The Dark Crystal was really just an excuse for Jim Henson to show off how big his puppet penis REALLY is.

As always, if you're digging our weekly broadcasts, be sure to Subscribe, Like us on Facebook (...still creeping on you well into the post-apocalypse) and Follow us on Twitter (gotta keep them hash tags alive)!

We'll be back next week with another all new episode. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to stare into this crystal for a bit...