Why Do You Always Feel Stuck in March?

Published: March 6, 2021, 7:37 p.m.


Happy Shoulder Season!
\\nLately, I have not been surprised to hear many of you say...
\\n"I\'m feeling STUCK!"
\\n"I feel directionless."
\\n"I feel frustrated and trapped."
\\n"I just can\'t get out of my own way!"
\\n"Nothing seems to be moving right now!"
\\nWhy is that?
\\nBecause every year in the month of March we are inching our way closer to reeeeally feeling the energy of the current year.
\\nThere is a shoulder season that exists when we observe Numerological cycles. It\'s like living in the "shadows" of last year while blending with the energy of this year.
\\nEven though our Universal year changes in January, we still feel the influence of the previous year\'s energy until about the first of April.


For more info, check out my YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqzr0_mmt3c


Check out my site at https://www.annperrynumerologist.com
