Animal Radio Episode 788

Published: Jan. 9, 2015, 5:49 p.m.

Dr. Laura wants all pit bulls deadDr. Laura Delivers Reckless Message
Thousands of people seek the advice of radio shrink Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Yet she continues to prove that she's not so healthy upstairs. Using her radio show as a platform, she said, "All Pit-bulls are bad and should be put-down." This is complete ignorance at its ugliest.

Actress Jessica Cameron Guests
Jessica Cameron GuestsThe extremely charismatic and talented Jessica Cameron shares her life with 5 hep black cats. In fact, she just finished directing (and acting in) Truth or Dare and she reveals how 'Grumpy Cat' turned down a part in this feature flick.

Take Your Dogs To Dinner
It's now legal in California to take your dog to many restaurants, as long as they have an outdoor space. Dogs have to be on leashes or in carriers, well-behaved and they can't be where food is being prepared. It's still up to the restaurant to decide if dogs are welcome and local laws trump the new state law, but the idea is to keep people from leaving dogs in hot cars during the summer or tied up alone outside of restaurants.

Llama RescuerWhere Llamas Go To Retire
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person saves homeless and sometime ill Llamas and Alpacas at his self-funded sanctuary in British Columbia. David Chapman explains how Alpacas were valued around $20,000 before the turn of the millennium. "Now they're worth less than a stray dog." Many are left homeless and unable to care for themselves.

Small Children And Reptiles Don't Mix
Reptiles can give children salmonellaA study is out with a warning for people who have small children and also have exotic reptiles, like snakes, chameleons, iguanas or geckos. The study found that 27% of the kids that came down with salmonella lived in homes with a reptile as a pet.

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