Animal Radio® Episode 576

Published: Dec. 17, 2010, 9:02 a.m.

David Dayan Fisher on Animal Radio®Terrorist by Night - Children's Author by Day
Actor David Dayan Fisher (N.C.I.S.) is usually typecast as the villain. You'd never think he'd author a kid's book about dogs when you watch him on TV. He's a softie at heart and one dog in particular changed... no, saved his life.

Putting a Limit On Dogs in Parks
Foster City, California, Parks & Recreation committee is trying to pass a three-dog limit at the city's dog parks. Could legislation set a precedence nationwide?
Rue McClanahan on Animal Radio®
It's Beginning To Feel A Bit Like Christmas
Animal Radio's entire Dream Team is roasting chestnuts, sharing eggnog and finding solutions to listeners questions about their pets. We're also reflecting on 2010.

Leslie Nielsen on Animal Radio®We've all lost two great talents this year. Both Rue McClanahan and Leslie Nielsen spent time visiting Animal Radio® and we're looking and listening back. Leslie's favorite pet was his 'whoopie-cusion' - he said it was "low-maintenance." Both of these comedians gave to our furry-friends - and while they'll be missed, their humor will live on forever.

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