Animal Radio® Episode 541

Published: April 16, 2010, 5:48 p.m.

Half Of America's Pets OverweightHalf Of America's Pets Tip The Scale
45% of dogs and 58% of cats are overweight. Experts say if you're fat, chances are your pet is too. Obesity leads to arthritis, diabetes, and even a shorter lifespan. Dr. Ernie Ward says pet-food manufacturers are manipulating consumers.

Fire Chief Sentenced For Killing Puppy
The former L.A. County Assistant Fire Chief charged with felony animal cruelty in connection with the beating death of a puppy has been sentenced to 90-days in the beating death of a 6 mo. old puppy.

Living Sober Sucks - Mark TuschelLiving Sober Sucks
According to reformed alcoholic Mark Tuschel, pets can be the best helpers when it comes to recovery. Having to take care of them and the lessons they taught transformed Mark from an over-the-edge drunk to a sober man.

Do Pets Go To Heaven?
Christianity preaches that every living being has a chance to get into heaven, while Judaism texts say the god of Israel bestowed life into animals allowing them to have living souls. Islam has the opposite view and don't believe animals have souls. Buddhists believe animals are sentient beings and any animal may be reborn as human.

Frogs Predict EarthquakesFrogs Predict Earthquake
Scientists observed a mass exodus of toads from a breeding site in central five days prior to a 6.3 magnitude quake. Researcher Rachel Grant suggests toads are able to detect pre-seismic cues.

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