EP247 Are the kids alright? A deep dive into the pandemic's toll on students (with Jessica Kirkland)

Published: Feb. 6, 2022, 5 p.m.

b'The instability and unpredictability that students have experienced in this third school year impacted by COVID has definitely taken a toll on kids \\u2026 but the impact can look very different from student to student. High school teacher Jessica Kirkland is here to share what she\\u2019s observed in her students and discussed with them in terms of their mindset, behavior, and socio-emotional wellbeing.

If you can\\u2019t quite put your finger on what feels \\u201coff\\u201d with students this school year and how class dynamics, relationships, and motivation levels have changed since the pandemic began, I think you\\u2019ll find this conversation illuminating.

Jessica shares in her deeply empathetic way how both childhood and teenage experiences have been impacted in myriad ways by the pandemic. We explore the root causes for disconnection and lack of motivation, and how even if one particular student is doing okay (or even thriving), that student is still impacted by the people around them who aren\\u2019t.

We talk about the limits of resiliency and how nearly everyone has been pushed to or beyond capacity for an extended period of time, and how that plays out in schools.

We end with Jessica\\u2019s thoughts on what\\u2019s giving her optimism and hope for the future of our students and our schools.

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