What Is Your Soul's Agenda?... The Spin-Off The Good Intentions Show

Published: Aug. 4, 2016, midnight

Michelle Stevens launched TheSoulsAgenda.com in 2012. She then created her blog to share the guidance, wisdom, and support she received over the years from her guides with an ever-widening circle of seekers. Responding to reader requests, she launched a Spanish version in 2013. In addition to her daily posts, she does automatic writings and conducts private readings for a small group of select clients. Michelle is also an award-winning copywriter, marketing strategist, and brand strategist, and founder of a boutique advertising agency in New York. She is currently in the process of earning a master’s degree in Social Psychology. The Soul’s Agenda is her first book. TheSoulsAgenda.com https://www.facebook.com/The-Souls-Agenda-463431193683691/?fref=ts