Trust In Your Truth - Deb Goldberg with Lora Cheadle

Published: April 10, 2020, 2:30 a.m.

FLAUNT! is an acronym for Find your fetish, Laugh out loud, Accept Unconditionally, Navigate the negative and Trust in your truth. Above all else, trusting in our truth is what makes us feel grounded, centered, and sure of who we are. We no longer spin out of control, wondering if we have made the right decision, nor are we impacted by the judgment or beliefs of others. Learn how to let go of the need to please, how to stop being controlled by the fear of what other people might think, and live life with certainty and joy. Lora Cheadle, former attorney, author, and Life Choreographer® is a transformational thought leader and media personality who empowers women to find uninhibited joy and gracefully take control of their success and happiness, despite external circumstances. By cultivating a sense of Naked Self-Worth®, which is the ability to show up confidently and comfortably in all facets of one’s life as they are, not as they think they should be, women discover that who they are right now is more than enough. Her book FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy, & Spiritual Self  is available wherever books are sold, and you can listen to her podcast or download her free “Bundle of Joy” gift pack at Debbie N. Goldberg Spiritual Teacher and Author & her co-host Lora Cheadle.