The Importance of Releasing Ancestral Fear with Marcia Martin the Heart Healer

Published: March 8, 2020, 11 p.m.

Why are you doing the things you're doing? Are you doing them because it makes sense or because they've always been done that way? Why are you holding the beliefs that you're holding? Have you looked deeply into those beliefs and found them to be sustaining and supportive or do you go along by rote, without question, because this is what you've always believed to be true? Some traditions and beliefs are beautiful and loving but others are damaging and steeped in fear. If you're ready to live a life that feels good and honors all that you are join me on Sunday, March 8th at 4 pm PST, 7 pm EST, Monday, March 9th at 9 am AEST and discover why it's so important to release yourself and your loved ones from ancestral fear.  Callers are always welcome 347-202-0232 (If calling from outside the USA add +1) If you're unable to call, please email your questions to: or visit my website at: