Relationships - The Mirror Into Your Internal World - Deb Goldberg

Published: April 13, 2017, 11 p.m.

Learning how to take full responsibility for your world is not easy. It takes a lot of seeking within and letting go of patterns that we have developed over the years including vibrationally inherited energy. All thoughts, feelings and behaviors are energy.  We are having beautiful loving thoughts through our higher self or soul and we are having fear and negative thoughts through our ego and wounds at the same time. The negative thoughts are always background chatter and for some can be their prominent thinking. What energy we give out comes back to us.  Our relationships are always showing us our thoughts and feelings verbally and behaviorally that we are repressing, your inner beauty, the pain that needs to be healed and misbeliefs. The mirror is a reflection of all sides of us, our internal conflict as well as others conflict. Help needed? Callers’ welcome! Please call in to 347-202-0232 to participate. I would love to speak with you and guide you. The Angels can hold us while we talk about relationships and shower us with love. Join Deb Goldberg, Spiritual Mentor who has 18 years of experience as a therapist and author of the Best Seller in her category, "Are you ready to listen? - God for a discussion on how we can learn amazing lessons about ourselves from our relationships in a very different way.  You can work with Deb by clicking the website: