Powering Through The Poop-Being Victorious When Stink Hits Your World - Goldberg

Published: March 18, 2018, 11 p.m.

Just when you think you've experienced everything, something occurs to rock you and throw you off-course.  in this show where we take the stink out of your life-- or at least make it less smelly!  Learn how to overcome life's challenges, curveballs, and out and out disasters to make your life and business bearable, better and ultimately beautiful. Get back on track with us so tune in! Callers welcome @ 347-202-0232. Join me, Deb Goldberg  https://www.debbiengoldberg.com Spiritual Teacher and Author of the book series, "A Divinely Ordered Life,  https://www.amazon.com/Divinely-Ordered-Life-Book/dp/B076ZMBKWS and my guest host, Dorothy J. Harden, Esq., motivational speaker/author, peak performance coach, and business and life mastery strategist. Dorothy is the owner and founder of Go-Get-'Em-Girls! (gogetemgirls.com) a company dedicated to empowering women in their self-confidence, life purpose, passion, and finances by taking charge of their lives and control of their destinies.  Dorothy is the owner of Harden Creative Enterprises, LLC (yourfutureinaction.com), which helps both men and women achieve success.