Let Go and Move On.. Breaking The Ties Of Your Past .UIR

Published: Jan. 11, 2017, 11 p.m.

Our modern world is fraught with distractions, disruptions, and even doubts, all of which can be detrimental to growth. One of the first things I do is to help individuals & groups LET GO of unnecessary stress, increase attention and intention and get the job done with a smile. I (Tim Ray) believe that we are on a powerful growth trajectory and we are evolving super fast, individually and collectively. Just reflect on the past 10 years in technology! And things are speeding up. What's sad is that we know more about our gadgets and devices than we do our own brains. Thus, as GHBs (Growing Human Beings), it’s essential that we commit to life-long learning and utilizing more of our brain's power and abilities. Of course we are human by birth, but to awaken to higher states of consciousness towards enlightenment, to slough off the dream of this matrix and take total responsibility for your life, that my friend is a choice.