Energy Dentistry. Healthy Teeth, Gums and Guts- Annette McCoy & Jade Yin Hom

Published: March 20, 2019, 11 p.m.

Powerfully Healing Emotional Content* Your teeth and gums play a significant role in your overall health Is this news to U? Jade Yin Hom, madical Alchemist, mentor and Speaker,joins Annette to share how our teeth and gums affect our overall well BEing Jade will discuss how your teeth and gums indicate the overall health of your body as well as your emotional health... The health of your gums can indic ate whether you’re receiving the level of emotional and financial support that allows you to achieve your highest potential... Discover how receiving nourishment allows you to receive more emotional nourishment which will help you to flourish in every area Join Annette and Jade in the chatroom or call in on (+1) 347 202 0232