Angel Blessings: Bless yourself, Your Life and Your Loved Ones with the Angels.

Published: May 19, 2017, 11 p.m.

Grace, gratitude, and love are all singularly powerful. Combine them in a blessing and you have a supercharged combo that will accelerate the positive intentions you hold for yourself and your loved ones. Bless yourself, your life and your loved ones with the help of the angels. The mighty power of grace can work for you and we'll show you how in today's show. Bless your life. Bless your family and loved ones. Bless your pets, your food, your water, your struggles, the planet - ANYTHING, EVERYTHING - and just watch the changes happen! The art of blessing is an amazing gift we have been given to share. The Angels will help us. Let us show you how to access this Divine boon. Angel blessings to you, to me, to us all! Join Anayah Joi Holilly, Leesa Ellis and Trudy Griswold (celebrated author of  the "Angelspeake" books) on today's show and bring angel blessings into YOUR life too!