KDCL Media Presents Egun And Then Some... With Miss Paula & Oro Cas

Published: June 9, 2014, midnight

Egun...Bakulu...Zuxian...Sinsear...Ancestors. After death, our bodies return to the earth, every ancestral part of our soul enters existence within timelessness, while the immortal part of our soul reincarnates into a new body....Caitlin Matthews For such a short week due to the Memorial Day weekend, if turned into a long week. So many opportunities and changes happening almost too fast to keep track. And Then Some... Oro Expeditions '14, Goldcations, surprises life drops in your lap on a daily basis, the three E's, Education, Enlightment, Education, along with your calls. Find, Follow & Bookmark: KDCL Media Oro Expeditions Oro Expeditions Crowdfunding