Intuitive Healer, Author & Musician Robert Harding

Published: Jan. 15, 2013, 4 p.m.

Robert Harding, is the author of  Blue Star, The True Story of One Man's Awakening and Vision Quest. But in the late 60’s early 70’s Robert wrote songs. There were even offers to have them published, but there were...distractions. Then about a year ago, he woke up and to his surprise one of his old songs was in his head. That song was This Was My Life. Then over the next two weeks or so all of the old ones started to come back, and what really a shock was he remembered all the tunes/chords and most of the words. Robert has two song writing Muses, these two ‘ladies’ have appeared many times during healings to the recipients of the healings. Robert asked them for help with songs—they are Mary, and St Therese of Lisieux the little known saint who has played quite a part in his spiritual life. Ella J. Holly is an award-winning radio broadcaster, producer, and voice artist, She's featured in national television and radio commercials, as well as audio books and website presentations. She hosts shows for the American Coaching Academy, Parenting and the Children’s Ministry Academy, and can be heard as the voice of the Dwelling Place Ministry radio show with Rev. Al Pittman.  She is active in the pageant circuit, has judged numerous pageants throughout Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. As a professional singer, Ella garnered top ten hits in Germany, The Netherlands and Australia.  Ella writes, is a public speaking coach and media consultant. She coordinated Blue Star Holistic Expo, and  produced Robert's single, God Be With You. KDCL Media on FB