253 - Baby Fingers, Baby Christian

Published: Dec. 18, 2018, 5 a.m.


Original release July 10, 2016.

Encore release December 18, 2018.

Encore release September 10, 2017.

For the third presidential election cycle in a row, evangelical fundamentalist Christians have failed to nominate a Republican candidate that\'s a full-throated theocratic nut job (although they came close with Ted Cruz). And once again they\'re faced with the daunting task of keeping themselves relevant by throwing their weight behind the inevitable candidate, no matter how odious he may be. And so, we have people like\\xa0Focus\\xa0Crosshairs on the Family president James Dobson declaring, with no evidence, really, that Donald Trump (he of the bloviation and baby fingers) is now a "baby Christian" who was brought to Christ "recently." Trump himself has made laughable attempts to ingratiate himself to the fundamentalist vote, quoting "Two" Corinthians and saying his favorite Bible verse is "an eye for an eye"--the one Bible verse that Jesus explicitly refuted! Anyway, a road is being paved to give conservative Christians an path\\xa0(rickety at best) to vote for Trump as one of theirs.


A federal judge blocks\\xa0Mississippi\'s Orwellian "Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act," a law expressly designed to ensure\\xa0anti-gay, one-man-one-woman Christian bigots ever have to deal with anyone in the LGBT community. Look for this one to be resolved in a year or two by the Supreme Court, almost certainly on the side of those who want to see all citizens treated equally and without discrimination.

Ken Ham\'s\\xa0Ark Encounter\\xa0boondoggle has opened for business in central Kentucky. Holey Scripture looks at\\xa0how the Ark (both Noah\'s and Ham\'s) was made. And just what the heck is "gopher" wood?
