Doug Fine, Hemp Farming Expert, on the increasing market in the US

Published: Feb. 21, 2018, noon

Doug Fine is a world-class adventure writer and investigative journalist, who, in 2011, turned his attention to America’s 40 Year-Old War on Drugs. Coming at it from a both an economic and a sustainability angle, he looked into the cannabis fields of Northern California, some of them third generation farms that are as old as the war itself. After researching the hemp industry worldwide for two years, his fourth book, Hemp Bound, was published one month after the US. Congress re-legalized hemp after 77 years. That book is being widely praised with Joel Salatin calling it “one of the most fun books you’ll ever read about the future of farming” and Willie Nelson declaring it “a blueprint for the future of America.” In 2015, Doug started bringing forth a hemp-printed monograph called First Legal Harvest, available at It’s a must-read report from the world’s industrial cannabis fields and the digital age industries they are already supplying. In addition to participating in hemp farms on both U.S. coasts and developing a television series, Fine now travels the world speaking about his sustainability realizations and his drug policy work, and is a regular contributor of adventure and investigative features to National Public Radio and many other venues.  Find out more at and check out his latest book, Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution