Day 5 The 4th Icelandic Yule Lad (vorusleikir) comes to Town

Published: Dec. 14, 2021, 5:17 p.m.

b'Tonight \\xdev\\xf6rusleikir, the 4th Yule Lad comes to town. This is a 15-day Icelandic Christmas series. To hear about the  other Yule Lads that have already arrived and an overview of this Icelandic Christmas series, check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4
\\nJust a reminder that on December 16th, 2021 at 8:00 PM in Iceland, I am giving a live talk about traveling around Iceland throughout the seasons on The Wisdom App. It\\u2019s a totally free app that you download on your phone. You can ask me questions about traveling in Iceland and interact with me live. I look forward to interacting with you on December 16th.
\\nBelow is the Icelandic and English version of the poem about \\xdev\\xf6rusleikir by J\\xf3hannes \\xfar K\\xf6tlum.
\\nIcelandic version of the Poem about \\xdev\\xf6rusleikir
\\nS\\xe1 fj\\xf3r\\xf0i, \\xdev\\xf6rusleikir, 
\\nvar fjarskalega mj\\xf3r. 
\\nOg \\xf3sk\\xf6p var\\xf0 hann gla\\xf0ur, 
\\n\\xfeegar eldabuskan f\\xf3r. 
\\n\\xde\\xe1 \\xfeaut hann eins og elding 
\\nog \\xfev\\xf6runa greip, 
\\nog h\\xe9lt me\\xf0 b\\xe1\\xf0um h\\xf6ndum, 
\\n\\xfev\\xed h\\xfan var stundum sleip.
\\nEnglish version of the Poem about \\xdev\\xf6rusleikir
\\nThe fourth was Spoon Licker;
\\nlike spindle he was thin.
\\nHe felt himself in clover
\\nwhen the cook wasn\\u2019t in.
\\nThen stepping up, he grappled
\\nthe stirring spoon with glee,
\\nholding it with both hands
\\nfor it was slippery.
\\nIcelandic Christmas Tradition
\\nMalt og appels\\xedn - Holiday drink in Iceland that is very popular. It is incredibly sugary and many people love the combination. However, I am not one of them. I like to stick to drinking malt. Regardless, I do recommend trying it, if you haven\'t already.
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