Whatever 'in love' means

Published: Dec. 5, 2020, 7 a.m.

It started out like a fairytale; a shy young woman meets a handsome prince and falls in love. The story of Charles and Diana turned sour and of course ended in tragedy, but thanks to the Netflix dramatisation of their lives, a new generation is getting a glimpse into their complicated love story. So what can we learn about our own relationships from their story? As our hosts - two people from two different generations - sit down to watch The Crown two very different points of view emerge with different sympathies. If you've been taking side sides, like we have, while watching The Crown, this episode is for you. We also talk about the bigger picture and what place the royals have in modern life. In an era of food banks and cuts to the welfare state, can we justify having a royal family that hoards so much wealth? Richard experiences cognitive dissonance as he recalls an idyllic childhood moment that fixed his idea of the royals and Izzy imagines that she can talk the queen into giving Buck palace to the people. Can our Gen X and Gen Z agree on the future of the monarchy?