Noelle Pikus Pace: The Price Paid to Become an Olympic Champion

Published: Aug. 5, 2020, 11:15 a.m.


It was "the moment of the games" and one that will be forever etched into Olympic history—the moment when skeleton athlete Noelle Pikus Pace cleared a barricade to jump into the stands and celebrate her silver medal victory with her family. What you may not know is the road that brought Noelle to that moment: a runaway bobsled, days and weeks spent away from her young family, a shoestring dragging on the ice, and a miscarriage that led to a decision to come back one more time to a sports she loves. This is Noelle Pikus Pace’s journey to a silver medal, a medal she says was “as good as gold.”


"I didn\'t lose the gold medal, I won the silver.”


Show Notes


1:57- Skeleton
5:54- Maintaining Focus
7:49- Adversity
11:37- We Never Lose
14:58- A Family Goal
20:07- “He is the Finish Line”
22:31- “Where You Look is Where You’ll Go”
25:33- A Bucket List
30:05- Competing Vs. Comparing
33:32- “Expect the Best”
37:24- What Does It Mean To Be “All In” the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


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